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2022 Filing Reminders

It’s the start of a new year, which means that tax season is right around the corner. A few things have changed in the last couple of years, so it’s important to make sure you’re up to date on current tax news before you file.
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IRS Enforcement is Back! What You Need to Know

CEO David King highlights the difficulties of dealing with IRS Enforcement; otherwise known as Collections. Optima’s Lead Tax Attorney, Philip Hwang, shares his insight and offers “Tax Pro Tips” ranging from IRS authority, to what you can expect when you’re subjected to IRS collection actions. 
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Retirement Distribution Tips

Retirement accounts can help reduce your taxable income and possibly increase your tax refund. Some accounts may have a year-end deadline for your contribution and required distributions, while others allow additional time.
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Rules for Claiming a Dependent

Dependents are usually children or relatives in your household that require your care. These characteristics allow you to be eligible for some tax deductions and credits. Knowing when to claim a dependent and how will be vital to preparing your tax return this season.
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