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Types of Loans for Small Businesses

Small business loans can be helpful and sometimes necessary in order to continue or expand a business. There are several types of loans available to small businesses, each with their own sets of pros and cons.  Term Loans  One of the most common types of loans for small businesses, a term loan is a lump […]

An Update on Student Loan Forgiveness

Student loan debt is still on the rise and new developments regarding repayment and forgiveness have unfolded recently. President Biden will announce his plan for student loan forgiveness and repayment by the end of August 2022.   Student Loan Payment Pause  Loan payments are currently paused but are set to begin again on September 1, […]

Investment Tips for College Students

The world of investments can be intimidating, especially for young adults and college students. However, it is known that one of the best ways to build long-term wealth is to start investing early. Doing will allow your money to compound interest for a longer period of time. More than anything, knowing investment tips will help […]

New Consequences of Payroll Tax Liability

The responsibility of payroll taxes falls on the shoulders of employers, although they come from employee paychecks. The federal government, Social Security and Medicare heavily rely on taxes from employee wages. IRS revenue officers are now tracking how unpaid payroll taxes were spent during their “trust fund investigation.” Payroll Taxes Used for the Employer’s Benefit […]