Filing taxes when you are self-employed can be very complex. There are plenty of factors involved, from figuring out how much you earned to adding up your business expenses. One of the ways you can better prepare yourself for the filing season is to ensure you have all the correct and relevant tax forms. Unlike traditional employees who receive a W-2 form from their employer, self-employed individuals need to navigate a different set of tax forms. In this article, we’ll explore the essential tax forms for self-employed individuals and provide insights into how to effectively manage your tax obligations.
Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return
Most people will be familiar with Form 1040 since it’s the one that taxpayers submit to report their taxable income. Using your gross income and the credits and deductions you can claim, the form helps calculate the amount of tax you owe or the refund you will receive. Typically, an individual will be required to file Form 1040 if they meet certain gross income thresholds. These thresholds are according to your filing status and age. For example, single filers under age 65 are required to file Form 1040 for 2023 if their gross income was at least the standard deduction of $13,850. However, self-employed individuals follow different filing requirements. If you are self-employed and have net earnings of at least $400, you must file an income tax return.
Schedule C, Profit or Loss From Business
A Schedule C helps anyone with self-employed income report their gross business income and expenses. Self-employed income is basically all sources of income that do not come from a W-2. Income from your small business, gig work, or side hustles should be reported on Schedule C. You’ll typically need one form for every individual business activity you are involved in, unless they fall into the same category. For example, if you have an Etsy shop and deliver for both Uber Eats and DoorDash, you’ll likely fill out two Schedule C forms, one for your Etsy shop and one for both driving services.
While most of the categories on Schedule C are self-explanatory, some can be quite difficult to calculate. You probably received at least one 1099 if you collected payment for your self-employed work. You can use these to add up your income. You’ll be able to deduct any eligible expenses. These can include returns or refunds given during the year, business vehicle expenses, and the cost of goods sold. Calculating your expenses can be the trickiest part of filing for self-employed taxpayers. That said, it’s probably best to discuss this with a qualified tax preparer. Be sure to keep meticulous records of all your business-related expenses, such as supplies, equipment, and operating costs, to accurately complete Schedule C.
Various 1099 Forms
Self-employed individuals may receive various 1099 forms, depending on the nature of their income and business activities. There are several common 1099 forms that self-employed individuals might receive.
Form 1099-NEC: Nonemployee Compensation
Form 1099-NEC is used to report income for services performed by non-employees, including independent contractors and freelancers. This can include payments made for services rendered, such as consulting fees, professional services, and other types of compensation. You should receive this form if you receive $600 or more in non-employee compensation during the tax year.
Form 1099-MISC: Miscellaneous Income
Form 1099-MISC is used to report miscellaneous income of at least $600 that you received during the tax year. Some examples of payments that require a 1099-MISC form include rent, prizes and awards, medical and health care payments, crop insurance proceeds, attorney payments, and more.
Form 1099-INT: Interest Income
If you have earned interest income from a business bank account, you may receive Form 1099-INT. This form reports interest income of at least $10 earned on high-yield savings accounts, U.S. savings bonds, municipal bonds, and more.
Form 1099-K: Payment Card and Third-Party Network Transactions
If you receive payments through credit card transactions or third-party payment networks like PayPal, the income may be reported on Form 1099-K. This form is typically issued if your transactions exceed a certain threshold. For tax year 2023, if you received at least $20,000 over 200 transactions, you should receive Form 1099-K. In tax year 2024, the 1099-K threshold will reduce to $5,000. Beginning with tax year 2025, the new threshold will be just $600.
Form 1099-DIV: Dividends and Distributions
If you have investments in stocks or other securities and receive dividends, you may receive Form 1099-DIV. This form reports dividend income of at least $10 received during the tax year.
Form 4562, Depreciation and Amortization
Form 4562, Depreciation and Amortization is used to depreciate or amortize your business assets. This can include buildings, machinery, equipment, vehicles, and patents. You may not depreciate land. Taxpayers must file a separate Form 4562 for each depreciation or amortization deduction being claimed.
Form 8829, Expenses for Business Use of Your Home
If you plan to deduct your home office expenses, you’ll need to file Form 8829, Expenses for Business Use of Your Home. Remember you can only claim the home office deduction for areas in your home used exclusively for business and if it is your principal place of business. Typical deductions include insurance, rent, utilities, repairs and maintenance, home depreciation, deductible mortgage interest. However, you may only deduct the portion that is used for business use only. For example, if you use 15% of your home’s square footage exclusively for business use, you may deduct 15% of your home expenses for a business deduction.
Schedule SE, Self-Employment Tax
Self-employed individuals are responsible for paying both the employer and employee portions of Social Security and Medicare taxes. Schedule SE is used to calculate your self-employment taxes to determine your Social Security benefits. You’ll only need to file a single Schedule SE, even if you have multiple businesses. You would simply combine your net earnings on a single form. However, married couples filing jointly who both earn self-employed income should file separate Schedule SE forms. Understanding how to calculate and pay these taxes is vital for staying compliant with the Internal Revenue Service IRS. Consult with a qualified tax professional if you need assistance.
Form W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification
Though not a tax form that you file, Form W-9 is essential for self-employed individuals. It is used to request your taxpayer identification number (TIN) from clients who will be reporting payments to you on a 1099 form. Make sure to provide accurate information to avoid any discrepancies in reporting.
Tax Relief for Self-Employed Individuals
Filing taxes when self-employed can be very complicated, especially if done on your own. Because there are several business expenses that can be exaggerated, the IRS typically takes a closer look at deductions claimed by self-employed individuals, leading to more audits. By staying informed and proactive, you can successfully fulfill your tax obligations and focus on the continued success of your self-employed venture. It may be best to seek the help of a credible tax preparer or professional to look at your tax situation. Optima Tax Relief is the nation’s leading tax resolution firm with over $1 billion in resolved tax liabilities.
If You Need Tax Help, Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation