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Taxes & Your Savings

What Does Voluntary Compliance Mean in Regard to Taxes?

The United States federal income tax system is operated under a system of voluntary compliance. This innocuous sounding term actually packs quite a potent punch –  there is little that is voluntary about the federal tax system, at least where paying taxes is concerned. Many celebrities and ordinary citizens alike have learned this lesson the […]

Would You Cheat on Your Taxes?

Would you cheat on your taxes? If you said “no,” count yourself in the majority of people who wouldn’t commit tax fraud. According to the Taxpayer Attitude Survey, about 87% of American Taxpayers say that it is not acceptible to cheat on taxes, while more than 95% agree that it is every American’s civic duty […]

Tax Season Is Here…And So Are The Scammers

The start of each new year typically brings renewed resolve to get healthy, strengthened desires for personal improvement, and of course, tax season. Tax season can mean different things to a lot of people. Some look forward to a large refund; for others, it’s one more thing to tack onto their to-do list. For the […]

Are Game Show Prizes Taxed?

Before you envy those game show contestants who win big, you need to hear the rest of the story. Some winners scoop up prizes worth tens of thousands of dollars, and maybe even a car. But often they don’t realize that those items are taxable. Depending on the details, they may not be able to […]