How Inflation Will Affect Your Taxes in 2023
Every year, the IRS makes inflation adjustments. With consistently high inflation in 2022, some experts are predicting larger adjustments than normal that can affect tax brackets in 2023.
How Will the Inflation Reduction Act Affect Your Taxes?
With the recent passing of The Inflation Reduction Act, individuals who have unfiled tax years or unpaid tax debt may now expect an increase in IRS collection enforcement. Optima CEO David King and Lead Tax Attorney Philip Hwang explain how the Inflation Reduction Act can directly affect taxpayers and how to get compliant with the IRS.
How to Manage Finances as a Single Individual
As the cost of living continues to rise, it is becoming increasingly difficult for single individuals to live comfortably. Without the safety net of a second income, the need to manage finances as a single individual is more important than ever. The process comes with unique benefits and challenges, both throughout the year and during tax time.
How to Avoid a Tax Audit
While there is no guaranteed method of avoiding audits, there are things to steer clear of that could trigger an IRS audit. The Senate recently approved nearly $80 billion in IRS funding, with $45.6 billion for enforcement, which could lead to more audits. Here are four things that the IRS has historically viewed as “red flags,” which could increase the chances of an audit for taxpayers.