When you marry, you often share many aspects of your life with your spouse: your home, your finances, and perhaps even your dreams. However, what happens when it comes to tax liabilities? Specifically, are you responsible for your spouse’s back taxes? This question can cause significant stress and confusion. To navigate this issue, it is essential to understand the various scenarios and laws that come into play. Here, we’ll explore the factors that determine liability and the potential consequences for both parties involved.
Understanding Back Taxes
Back taxes are taxes that have been partially or completely unpaid in the year they were due. They can accrue interest and penalties over time, leading to a larger debt. The IRS and state tax authorities are vigilant about collecting these taxes, and failure to pay can result in serious consequences such as liens, levies, and wage garnishments.
Can the IRS Hold Me Liable for My Spouse’s Tax Debt?
The short answer to this question is yes. However, there are certain factors that may come into play to decide for sure, including when you filed and under which filing status. When you get married, you suddenly have two new filing status options to choose from. You can go with married filing jointly or married filing separately. In the married filing jointly scenario, both spouses report their combined income, deductions, and credits on a single tax return. When filing separately, each spouse files their tax return separately, reporting only their income, deductions, and credits. Which of these options you choose will greatly determine whether the IRS can hold you accountable for tax debt.
Liability Under Married Filing Jointly
If you file jointly, both spouses are generally jointly and severally liable for the tax debt. In this case, the IRS can pursue either spouse for the entire amount owed. This means that both spouses are individually and collectively responsible for any taxes, interest, and penalties owed on a joint tax return. Even if you yourself did not do anything wrong, or you were unaware of any wrongdoing by your spouse, you are still 100 percent legally responsible for your shared tax debt.
Liability Under Married Filing Separately
If you choose to file separately, you are only responsible for your own tax liabilities. This can protect you from being liable for your spouse’s back taxes. However, this filing status often results in higher tax rates and reduced eligibility for certain credits and deductions.
Spouse Taxes & Community Property States
In community property states, spouses equally own all income and assets acquired during the marriage. This means if you live in a community property state, you might be responsible for your spouse’s tax debt, even if you file separately, because half of your community income is considered yours. However, income from property owned by one spouse before marriage, or acquired by gift or inheritance during the marriage, is typically considered separate property and not subject to community property rules.
How Does Timing Affect Whether I’m Liable for My Spouse’s Back Taxes?
Timing is the second factor that can determine your liability for your spouse’s tax debt. If your spouse had tax debt before you were married, only they are responsible for that debt. You can apply for Injured or Innocent Spouse Relief if the IRS attempts to collect from you. If your spouse incurs tax debt during your marriage, you will use the guidelines outlined above to determine your liability.
Remember, it all depends on which filing status you used during the year the tax debt appeared. If your spouse incurs tax debt after your marriage, you may be responsible for it if you filed jointly, even if you were legally separated. However, in this case, you might be able to apply for Separation of Liability relief. This will limit your liability if you and your spouse were no longer married or living together when they incurred their tax debt.
Tax Relief Options for Spouses
If your spouse incurs tax debt, you may qualify for some type of relief. Here are the most common options.
Innocent Spouse Tax Relief
If your spouse did not report all income, claimed credits they weren’t eligible for, or took improper deductions on a joint return without your knowledge, you may qualify for Innocent Spouse Relief. This option is more common for taxpayers who are no longer married. To request relief, taxpayers should file Form 8857, Request for Innocent Spouse Relief. Innocent spouses must file within two years of receiving an IRS notice informing you of the tax debt.
Injured Spouse Tax Relief
Injured spouse relief, on the other hand, is typically for individuals who are currently married, and your portion of your joint tax refund was used to pay pre-existing debt that belongs to your spouse. This can include overdue child support, other taxes due, etc. To request this relief option, taxpayers should file Form 8379, Injured Spouse Allocation. They should file within three years of the return being filed or two years from the date the tax was paid, whichever event happened later.
Separation of Liability Tax Relief
Separation of Liability Relief applies in situations where a joint return was filed, and the innocent spouse can demonstrate that they are divorced or legally separated from the other spouse. Under this relief, the IRS divides tax liabilities between the spouses based on their respective shares of income, deductions, and credits. To request relief, taxpayers should file Form 8857, Request for Innocent Spouse Relief within two years of receiving an IRS notice informing you of the tax debt.
Spouse Taxes Equitable Relief
If you’re not eligible for innocent spouse relief or separation of liability relief, you might qualify for equitable relief. Equitable relief can save you from paying your spouse’s understated or underpaid taxes on your joint return. This relief option is typically only granted for taxes due on your spouse’s income and assets and not your own. To request relief, taxpayers should file Form 8857, Request for Innocent Spouse Relief within two years of receiving an IRS notice informing you of the tax debt.
Marriage and Taxes: FAQs
Will the IRS take my refund if my husband/wife owes?
Yes, the IRS may take your refund if your spouse owes back taxes or certain other debts, but it depends on a few factors. When a spouse has a federal debt, like unpaid taxes or student loans, the IRS can offset (or take) a portion of a joint tax refund to cover the debt through a process called the Treasury Offset Program. However, you may be able to keep your portion of the refund by filing Form 8379, Injured Spouse Allocation with your return. This form allows you to claim your share of the joint refund if you had income or tax credits that contributed to it.
What happens when you marry someone who owes back taxes?
When you marry someone who owes back taxes, you aren’t automatically responsible for their debt. However, if you file a joint tax return, the IRS may use your tax refund to pay off your spouse’s back taxes through the Treasury Offset Program. If you want to avoid this, you can file separately, though this may result in a higher tax rate or limited credits. If you still prefer to file jointly, you can protect your portion of any refund by filing Form 8379, Injured Spouse Allocation. This form helps allocate your portion of the refund so it’s not used to pay your spouse’s debt.
Is tax debt marital debt?
Tax debt is not automatically considered marital debt, but it can be depending on how and when it was incurred. Typically, tax debt is marital debt if it’s from taxes owed on income earned during the marriage and if you filed a joint tax return, as both spouses are usually liable for joint return debts. However, if the debt was incurred before the marriage or from separate income, it’s generally considered separate debt.
Tax Help for Innocent Spouses
There are scenarios that would disqualify you from relief. These include knowledge of the errors your spouse made or signing an offer in compromise with the IRS. It’s also important to note that these relief options can take months for the IRS to review and process. Be sure to consult with a qualified tax professional to make sure you know your options. Luckily, the IRS recognizes the need to protect innocent parties and provides relief options for them. Optima Tax Relief is the nation’s leading tax resolution firm with over a decade of experience helping taxpayers with tough tax situations.
If You Need Tax Help Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation