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Tax Returns

Can I Do Someone Else’s Taxes If I’m Not a Professional?

Tax season often brings a mix of dread and determination as individuals and businesses prepare to file their returns. For those familiar with tax laws and confident in their abilities, the thought of helping someone else with their taxes might come up. But is it legal, advisable, or practical for a non-professional to handle another […]

What is Schedule C?

For small business owners, figuring out taxes can often be complicated. Among the many forms and documents required by the IRS, Schedule C stands out as a vital component for sole proprietors and single-member LLCs. It’s the key to reporting income and expenses for your business, ultimately determining your taxable profit or loss. In this […]

I Forgot to File State Taxes. Now What?  

Every year like clockwork you conscientiously pay your state income taxes, but this year you spaced and missed the deadline. Don’t panic. Filing taxes can be a stressful task, and it’s not uncommon for people to forget deadlines or overlook certain tax obligations. If you find yourself in the situation where you forgot to file […]

I Filed a Tax Extension. Now What?

Filing taxes can be a stressful ordeal for many individuals, but for some, the April deadline comes too soon. If you’re one of the many Americans who filed for a tax extension, you’ve gained a little breathing room. However, it’s essential not to let that extra time slip away without acting. Here’s a guide on […]

What is the VITA Program?

Tax season can often be a stressful time for many individuals and families, especially those with limited financial resources or complex tax situations. Fortunately, there exists a vital resource that provides much-needed assistance to these individuals: the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. Developed by the IRS, the VITA program offers free tax help to […]

Tax Tips for Last-Minute Filers

Filing your taxes can be stressful. Filing at the last minute can only add to the stress. As April 15th looms closer, the annual flurry of last-minute tax filers begins. Whether due to procrastination or complexity, many individuals find themselves scrambling to organize their finances and complete their tax returns before the deadline. If you […]