Tax Credits vs. Tax Deductions
Tax season is officially here. As you prepare to file your tax return, it might be helpful to research ways to decrease your tax liability. A popular way to do this is to claim tax credits and tax deductions. Credits and deductions often seem like the same thing, but they are different. Here’s a comparison of the two.
Divorce Can Impact Your Tax Liability – Who is Responsible?
Filing taxes after a divorce can be complicated, especially when sorting out the tax liability that the parties are legally responsible for. CEO David King and Lead Tax Attorney Philip Hwang discuss how married couples should file their taxes, as well as how they can end up with a tax balance after a divorce – and what they can do about it.
Dependents & Your Taxes
Claiming a dependent on your tax return can help save a lot of money each year. Some taxpayers may be unsure about who qualifies as a dependent, especially since a living situation can change year to year. Here’s all you need to know about dependents and your taxes.
A Newlywed’s Guide to Taxes
If you recently got married, you might have spent a lot of time planning a ceremony, reception, or honeymoon. As a newlywed, have you considered how your new life change will affect your taxes this year? Here are some things you should keep in mind when filing your taxes.