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Ask Phil: What is the IRS 6-Year Rule? 

Today, Optima Tax Relief Lead Tax Attorney, Phil, discusses each of the three IRS 6-year rules.  

Underreporting Income by Over 25% 

If you underreport your income by over 25%, the IRS has six years from the date the return was filed to assess additional taxes, instead of the usual three years. The 25% threshold is calculated based on the amount of gross income that should have been reported. Gross income includes all income before deductions and exemptions. This can include wages, business income, rental income, interest, dividends, and other forms of income. 


The IRS generally requires taxpayers to file tax returns for the past six years if they have not filed them previously. This means if you have not filed a tax return in the last 10 years, the IRS will only require you to file the most recent six past-due returns.  

Installment Agreements 

Generally, if a taxpayer can pay off their tax debt within six years, they may qualify for streamlined installment agreements where detailed expense documentation, like receipts, may not be required for reasonable expenses. These expenses typically include food, clothing, housing, utilities, transportation, and healthcare.  

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Tax Deductions for Senior Citizens 

Tax Deductions for Senior Citizens

Figuring out taxes in retirement can be challenging, but understanding available tax deductions can significantly impact your financial health. Senior citizens have access to a variety of tax benefits and deductions that can help reduce taxable income and enhance savings. Here’s a comprehensive guide to the key tax deductions and credits available to senior citizens. 

Standard Deduction for Seniors 

One of the most straightforward tax benefits for seniors is the increased standard deduction. As of 2024, taxpayers aged 65 and older are eligible for a higher standard deduction, which can significantly reduce taxable income. Here’s how it works: 

  • Single and Head of Household Filers: Seniors can claim an additional standard deduction of $1,950. 
  • Married Filers: If one spouse is 65 or older, the additional deduction is $1,550. If both spouses are 65 or older, the additional deduction is $3,100. 
  • Blind Filers: Blind seniors who file as Single or Head of Household, and who are aged 65 and older, can claim an additional $3,900 for the standard deduction. Blind married filers can claim an additional deduction of $3,100 per qualifying individual. 

These higher deductions can be particularly beneficial for seniors who do not have enough itemized deductions to exceed the standard deduction threshold. 

Medical and Dental Expenses 

Medical and dental expenses can be a significant part of a senior’s budget. The IRS allows taxpayers to deduct unreimbursed medical and dental expenses that exceed 7.5% of their adjusted gross income (AGI). Eligible expenses include: 

  • Doctor and dentist visits 
  • Prescription medications 
  • Long-term care insurance premiums 
  • Nursing home costs (if primarily for medical care) 
  • Medicare premiums (Parts B and D, and Medicare Advantage) 

Keeping thorough records of medical expenses is crucial for maximizing this deduction. 

Social Security Taxation 

While Social Security benefits are often a primary source of income for seniors, they can also be partially taxable depending on your total income. To minimize taxes on Social Security, consider tax-efficient withdrawals from retirement accounts. Manage other income sources to stay below taxation thresholds. For single filers, Social Security benefits become taxable if your combined income exceeds $25,000. For married couples filing jointly, the threshold is $32,000. 

Retirement Account Contributions 

Although most seniors are no longer contributing to retirement accounts, there are still opportunities for deductions if you’re still working or have a spouse who is. Contributions to a traditional IRA may be tax-deductible depending on income and other retirement coverage. Additionally, seniors aged 70½ and older can make Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs) from their IRAs, which count toward the required minimum distribution (RMD) but are not included in taxable income. 

Credit for the Elderly or Disabled 

This credit is designed to assist low-income seniors and disabled individuals. To qualify, you must be 65 or older or retired on permanent and total disability, and your income must be below certain limits. The credit amount varies but can range from $3,750 to $7,500. It’s essential to consult IRS Schedule R to determine eligibility and calculate the exact credit amount. 

Capital Gains Exclusion on Home Sales 

For seniors considering downsizing or relocating, the capital gains exclusion on home sales can be a significant benefit. If you have owned and lived in your home for at least two of the five years before selling, you may exclude up to $250,000 (or $500,000 for married couples filing jointly) of the capital gain from your taxable income. 

State-Specific Tax Benefits 

In addition to federal tax benefits, many states offer specific tax incentives for seniors. These can include exemptions on income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, and more. For instance, some states exempt all or part of Social Security benefits and retirement income from state taxes. It’s important to explore state-specific tax benefits to ensure you’re maximizing your savings. 


Seniors often consider gifting as part of their estate planning strategy to transfer wealth to family members and reduce the taxable value of their estate. In 2024, you can gift up to $18,000 per recipient annually without incurring gift taxes. This annual exclusion allows seniors to distribute wealth gradually without affecting their lifetime gift and estate tax exemption, which is $13.61 million per individual. It’s essential to keep detailed records of gifts and consider potential tax implications, especially if gifting large sums or valuable assets. This strategy not only aids in estate planning but can also provide financial assistance to loved ones without the burden of additional taxes. 

Tax Help for Senior Citizens 

Understanding and using available tax deductions and credits can make a significant difference in the financial well-being of senior citizens. By taking advantage of increased standard deductions, medical expense deductions, retirement account strategies, and other tax benefits, seniors can effectively manage their tax liability and enhance their retirement savings. Consulting with a tax professional is often a wise step to ensure all eligible deductions are claimed and to develop a personalized tax strategy that aligns with individual financial goals. Optima Tax Relief is the nation’s leading tax resolution firm with over a decade of experience helping taxpayers with tough tax situations.   

If You Need Tax Help, Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation 

What is the Foreign Tax Credit?

What is the Foreign Tax Credit?

As globalization continues to connect economies and individuals around the world, many U.S. taxpayers find themselves earning income in foreign countries. This income often comes with the obligation to pay foreign taxes, leading to a complex situation where individuals and businesses may face double taxation. Double taxation is when a taxpayer pays taxes on the same income to both the foreign country and the U.S. Fortunately, the U.S. tax system offers a solution to this scenario: the Foreign Tax Credit (FTC). This article explores the mechanics, benefits, and limitations of the FTC, providing a comprehensive understanding for taxpayers with international income. 

What is the Foreign Tax Credit? 

It’s important to note that when you pay foreign taxes, you can choose if you want to offset these costs as a foreign tax credit or as an itemized deduction. Here, we will discuss the foreign tax credit since it typically results in larger savings for taxpayers. The Foreign Tax Credit is a provision in the U.S. tax code that allows taxpayers to offset the amount of income tax they owe to the U.S. government by the amount of foreign taxes they have paid on the same income. The primary goal of the FTC is to mitigate double taxation and encourage U.S. citizens and residents to engage in international business activities.  

Who is Eligible for the Foreign Tax Credit? 

Eligibility for the FTC is primarily based on a few criteria. In general, you qualify for the Foreign Tax Credit if you’re a U.S. citizen or resident who earns foreign income and pay U.S. taxes. If you are a U.S. expat, someone who lives and works in a country other than their country of citizenship, there are a few more rules. For example, the tax must be imposed on you, and you must have paid the tax. The foreign tax must also be a legal income tax or other tax in lieu of an income tax. Be sure to check with a tax professional since there are strict IRS rules on what counts as foreign income tax.  

How to Calculate the Foreign Tax Credit 

The calculation of the Foreign Tax Credit involves several steps and considerations. 

Determine Foreign Income and Taxes Paid 

Calculate the total foreign income earned and the amount of taxes paid or accrued to a foreign country. Accurate record-keeping is essential to substantiate these figures. 

Separate Income into Passive and General Categories 

The IRS requires income to be categorized into passive income (such as dividends and interest) and general category income (such as wages and business profits). This categorization affects how the FTC is applied. 

Calculate the Credit Limit 

The Foreign Tax Credit is subject to a limitation based on the proportion of foreign income to total worldwide income. The formula is: 

(Foreign Income / Total Worldwide Income) x U.S. Tax Liability 

This limitation ensures that the FTC does not exceed the amount of U.S. tax liability attributable to foreign income.  


Let’s look at an example. Let’s say that you’re a U.S. citizen who moved to Spain for work. You earn $50,000 plus an extra $5,000 in interest income in the U.S. You also paid $10,000 in taxes to the Spanish government. At the end of the tax year, your U.S. tax liability was $9,000. Let’s calculate your FTC amount. 

(Foreign Income / Total Worldwide Income) x U.S. Tax Liability 

($50,000 / $55,000) x $9,000 

0.91 x $9,000 = $8,182 

This means you can receive up to $8,182 for the FTC. In addition, since you already paid $10,000 in Spanish taxes, you can carry over the difference of $1,818 for up to 10 years.  

Foreign Tax Credit vs. Foreign Earned Income Exclusion 

U.S. taxpayers with foreign income often face a choice between the Foreign Tax Credit and the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion (FEIE). The FEIE allows taxpayers to exclude a certain amount of foreign earned income from their U.S. taxable income. Here’s how they compare: 

  • FTC: Reduces U.S. tax liability on foreign income dollar-for-dollar based on foreign taxes paid. 
  • FEIE: Excludes foreign earned income up to a specified limit, potentially reducing taxable income but not offering credit for foreign taxes paid. 

Taxpayers can use both the FTC and the FEIE, but not for the same income. Strategic planning is crucial to determine the optimal approach based on individual circumstances. 

Reporting the Foreign Tax Credit 

To claim the Foreign Tax Credit, taxpayers must file Form 1116 with their U.S. tax return. Corporations use Form 1118. These forms require detailed information about foreign income, taxes paid, and the calculation of the FTC limit. Accurate and complete documentation is vital to avoid audits and penalties. 

Potential Challenges and Considerations 

It goes without saying that the rules governing the FTC are complex. It requires careful record-keeping and a thorough understanding of both U.S. and foreign tax laws. Professional tax advice is often necessary to navigate these complexities. In addition, changes in foreign tax liabilities, such as refunds or adjustments, can impact the FTC claimed in previous years. You must report these changes and note that you may need to amend prior U.S. tax returns. Finally, tax treaties between the U.S. and other countries can affect the FTC. Treaties may provide additional benefits or limitations, and taxpayers should be aware of the specific provisions applicable to their situation. 

Tax Help for Those with Foreign Income 

The Foreign Tax Credit is a valuable tool for U.S. taxpayers with foreign income, providing relief from double taxation. By understanding the eligibility criteria, calculation methods, and reporting requirements, taxpayers can effectively use the FTC to optimize their tax situations. As international tax laws continue to evolve, staying informed and seeking professional advice remain essential for claiming the Foreign Tax Credit. Optima Tax Relief is the nation’s leading tax resolution firm with over a decade of experience helping taxpayers with tough tax situations.   

If You Need Tax Help, Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation 

What is Schedule B?

What is Schedule B?

When filing U.S. federal income tax, taxpayers often encounter several forms and schedules that must be completed to accurately report their financial activities. One such form is Schedule B, which is used to report interest and ordinary dividends. Understanding this form is crucial for taxpayers with investment income to ensure compliance with tax laws and avoid potential penalties. Here’s an overview of Schedule B, including who needs to file it, the different components, and common mistakes to avoid. 

What is Schedule B? 

Schedule B is a tax form attached to Form 1040, 1040-SR, or 1040-NR to report interest income and ordinary dividends received during the tax year. This form is typically required for individuals with significant income from investments and other financial instruments. 

Who Needs to File Schedule B? 

You need to file Schedule B if you meet one of the following criteria: 

  • Your total taxable interest income is more than $1,500 during the tax year 
  • Your ordinary dividends exceed $1,500 during the tax year 
  • You have any of the following less common situations: 
    • You have foreign accounts or trusts 
    • You earn interest from a seller-financed mortgage 
    • You earned a penalty for early withdrawal of savings 
    • You earned tax-exempt interest 

Parts of Schedule B 

Schedule B is divided into three main parts. 

Part I: Interest Income 

Part 1 of Schedule B requires you to list all the information received via Form 1099-INT, 1099-OID, or another substitute statement from a financial institution. On Line 1, you should enter the name of each payer and the amount of interest received. This includes interest from savings accounts, bonds, certificates of deposit (CDs), and other financial instruments. Line 2 requires you to total your interest income. You should report any interest excluded, such as tax-exempt interest on Line 3. Line 4 will calculate your total taxable interest income. 

Part II: Ordinary Dividends 

Part II of Schedule B collects information about your ordinary dividends for the tax year. Remember, ordinary dividends differ from qualified dividends, which are taxed at a lower rate. This information is found on Form 1099-DIV or another substitute statement from your financial institution. On Line 5, you should enter the name of each payer and the amount of ordinary dividends received. Use Line 6 to total your ordinary dividend income. 

Part III: Foreign Accounts and Trusts 

Part III of Schedule B is for less common scenarios since it is used to report any financial interest in or authority over a foreign account, such as a bank account. It’s also used if you are involved with certain foreign trusts. If so, additional reporting may be necessary under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA). If you have foreign financial accounts with a combined value exceeding $10,000 at any time during the year, you must file the Report of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR), in addition to Schedule B. 

Common Mistakes to Avoid 

The biggest mistake you can make with Schedule B is failing to report small amounts. Even if interest or dividends are minimal, they must be reported if they exceed the $1,500 threshold. Another mistake is not filing at all. If you are required to file Schedule B and fail to do so, you may face penalties, including fines and interest on unpaid taxes. Finally, do not overlook foreign income. Neglecting to report foreign accounts or income can lead to severe penalties. 

Tax Help for Those Who File Schedule B 

Schedule B is a vital component of the U.S. tax filing process for individuals with interest and ordinary dividend income. By accurately reporting these amounts, taxpayers can ensure compliance with IRS regulations and avoid potential penalties. Understanding when and how to use Schedule B, along with avoiding common mistakes, can help streamline the tax filing process and ensure that all investment income is appropriately accounted for. Optima Tax Relief is the nation’s leading tax resolution firm with over $3 billion in resolved tax liabilities.   

If You Need Tax Help, Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation 

What is the Federal Disaster Tax Relief Act? 

What is the Federal Disaster Tax Relief Act? 

The Federal Disaster Tax Relief Act is a legislative measure proposed by the U.S. Congress to provide tax relief and assistance to individuals and businesses affected by natural disasters. This Act is part of a broader effort by the federal government to alleviate the financial burden on those impacted by disasters such as hurricanes, wildfires, floods, and other catastrophic events. Here’s an overview of the Federal Disaster Tax Relief Act that has the potential to offer a range of tax benefits designed to help disaster victims recover and rebuild in the aftermath of such events. 


The Federal Disaster Tax Relief Act (HR 5863) was introduced by Representative Greg Steube (R-FL). It advanced by the Ways and Means Committee in 2023. The Federal Disaster Tax Relief Act would exclude income received for casualty and theft losses, damages, and expenses from individual income for tax purposes if these were incurred due to a federally declared disaster. It would also exclude any income received by taxpayers affected by the February 2023 train derailment that took place in East Palestine, Ohio, where 38 train cars carrying hazardous materials derailed. 

The bill was passed in the House of Representatives, but the Senate has yet to vote on it. The situation has become tricky since the bill was included in the bipartisan tax package, the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act (HR 7024).  

Current Disaster-Related Tax Relief 

Currently, there are several provisions that offer financial relief to disaster-affected individuals and businesses. One of the primary benefits is the ability for taxpayers to claim deductions for casualty losses. These losses are defined as damage, destruction, or loss of property resulting from a disaster. Taxpayers can claim deductions for uninsured or unreimbursed losses, thereby reducing their taxable income and lowering their overall tax liability. The IRS also typically extends the tax filing and payment deadlines for individuals and businesses in affected areas. This extension provides taxpayers with additional time to complete their tax obligations without facing late fees or penalties. 

How the Federal Disaster Tax Relief Act Could Impact Taxpayers 

If passed by the Senate, the Federal Disaster Tax Relief Act will exempt wildfire relief payments from federal income taxes. It will also exempt relief payments for losses stemming from the 2023 East Palestine, Ohio train derailment. In addition, it will designate certain hurricanes as eligible for disaster-related tax treatments. If enacted, this act could simplify the process of writing off losses from other natural disasters. This includes provisions to exempt legal fees, emotional distress, lost wages, and other expenses from taxation in cases of wildfire losses. Once the bill becomes law, any taxes already paid on wildfire settlement funds since 2020 will be eligible for a retroactive refund. Taxpayers can claim this by filing an amended return or claiming the change in the next tax year. 

Tax Help for Those Affected by Federal Disasters 

The Federal Disaster Tax Relief Act could be an essential tool in the federal government’s response to natural disasters. By providing tax relief and financial assistance, the Act can play a crucial role in helping individuals and businesses recover and rebuild in the aftermath of catastrophic events. Understanding the provisions and benefits of the Act can empower taxpayers to make informed decisions. It can also maximize the available relief options in times of need. Optima Tax Relief is the nation’s leading tax resolution firm with over a decade of experience helping taxpayers.   

If You Need Tax Help, Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation