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What is the Adoption Credit?

What is the Adoption Credit?

Building a family can take many forms. Adoption stands as a powerful testament to the generosity and love that individuals and couples can offer to children in need. However, adoption can be an expensive process, often deterring potential parents from taking this big step. To alleviate some of the financial burdens associated with adoption, the U.S. government offers the adoption credit. This article explains what the adoption credit is, who qualifies for it, and how it can significantly ease the financial aspects of the adoption journey. 

What is the Adoption Credit? 

The adoption credit is a non-refundable tax credit that aims to reduce the financial burden of adoption by allowing eligible taxpayers to claim certain adoption-related expenses. For the tax year 2023, the maximum adoption credit was $15,950 per child.  This amount can help cover a variety of expenses, including adoption fees, court costs, attorney fees, and other related expenses. Because it’s non-refundable, it’s limited to your tax liability for the year. However, any credit more than your tax liability may be carried forward for up to five years.  

Who Qualifies for the Adoption Credit? 

The adoption credit is available to individuals and couples who adopt a child under 18 or who is physically or mentally incapable of self-care. Let’s look at specific criteria for the credit. 

Adoption Status 

The credit applies to domestic and international adoptions. However, the timing and manner of the credit claimed can differ between the two. For domestic adoptions, expenses can be claimed before the adoption is finalized, while for international adoptions, the credit can only be claimed after the adoption is complete. 

Qualified Expenses 

Only certain expenses are eligible for the credit. These include reasonable and necessary adoption fees, court costs, attorney fees, travel expenses (including meals and lodging), and other expenses directly related to the legal adoption of a child. Expenses that don’t qualify can include any incurred from adopting the child of the taxpayer’s spouse. 

Income Limits 

The credit begins to phase out for taxpayers with modified adjusted gross incomes (MAGI) above a certain threshold. For 2023, the phase-out range starts at $239,230 and completely phases out at $279,230.  

Previous Claims 

The adoption credit also includes specific provisions for previous adoption claims. For instance, if you claimed a $5,000 credit for a domestic adoption in 2022 and then incurred an additional $15,000 in qualified adoption expenses in 2023 when the adoption was finalized, the maximum credit you can claim for 2023 is $10,950. This is calculated by subtracting the $5,000 previously claimed in 2022 from the $15,950 dollar limit for 2023.  

Unsuccessful Claims 

Additionally, the credit includes specific rules about previous unsuccessful adoption attempts. For example, consider that an individual claimed $6,500 in qualified adoption expenses for an unsuccessful adoption attempt in 2021. In 2022 and 2023, they spent an additional $12,000 on qualified adoption expenses for a successful domestic adoption finalized in 2023. The maximum adoption credit allowable in 2023 would be $9,450, which is the $15,950 dollar limit for 2023 minus the $6,500 previously claimed. 

How to Claim the Adoption Credit 

Claiming the adoption credit involves several steps, plus specific documentation. Here’s a simplified version of the process: 

  1. File Form 8839, “Qualified Adoption Expenses,” with your federal tax return. This form is used to calculate and claim the credit. 
  1. Use supporting records like receipts, invoices, court orders, and legal documents to substantiate your claims. For international adoptions, additional documentation such as foreign adoption decrees and translations might be required. 
  1. Submit your tax return for the year in which the adoption is finalized. For domestic adoptions, expenses can be claimed in the tax year following the year they were incurred if the adoption is not yet final. 

Tax Help for Those Claiming the Adoption Credit 

The adoption credit is a valuable tool for families looking to grow through adoption, providing crucial financial support that can make the process more manageable. By understanding the eligibility requirements and how to claim the credit, adoptive parents can take full advantage of this benefit while easing any financial burden. Optima Tax Relief has over a decade of experience helping taxpayers with tough tax situations. 

If You Need Tax Help, Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation 

Tax ID Theft is on the Rise. Are You Protected?

There’s been a 45% increase in tax identity theft since the COVID-19 pandemic. If you’re dealing with tax identity theft, it could affect when you receive your tax refund! Optima CEO David King and Lead Tax Attorney Philip Hwang explain what tax fraud is, how your sensitive tax information can be used against you, and what to do if this happens to you.

If You Need Tax Help, Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation 

How are Royalties Taxed?

How are Royalties Taxed?

Royalties represent payments made to an individual or entity for the ongoing use of their assets, such as intellectual property, natural resources, or creative works. These payments can provide a significant income stream, but they also come with tax implications that vary based on the type of royalty and the jurisdiction. Here’s a comprehensive look at how royalties are taxed in various scenarios. 

What are Royalties? 

Royalties are payments made to an individual or entity for the continuous use of their property, intellectual or otherwise. Royalties are reported on IRS Form 1099-MISC. Let’s break down each type of royalty. 

Intellectual Property Royalties 

If you create intellectual property as part of your trade or business, such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights, royalties are reported as business income on Schedule C (Form 1040). This income is subject to both income tax and self-employment tax, which covers Social Security and Medicare contributions. For example, a freelance author receiving book royalties would include this income on Schedule C, allowing them to deduct related business expenses like travel for book tours and marketing costs. 

Royalties received by individuals not actively engaged in the trade or business of creating intellectual property are reported on Schedule E (Form 1040) and are subject to income tax but not self-employment tax. For example, an individual who inherited the rights to a patent but does not engage in the business of inventing would report royalty income on Schedule E. 

Resource Royalties 

Resource royalties are payments for the extraction or use of natural resources such as oil, gas, minerals, and timber. For instance, an oil company extracting crude oil from a landowner’s property would pay the landowner a percentage of the revenue from the oil sold. Resource royalties are usually reported on Schedule E (Form 1040). However, they can be subject to depletion allowances, which reduce taxable income based on the resource’s depletion over time. Depletion can be calculated using either the cost depletion method or the percentage depletion method, providing significant tax relief to resource owners by recognizing the decreasing value of the resource. 

Performance and Licensing Royalties 

Musicians receive performance royalties when their songs are played on the radio or in public venues. Similarly, actors receive residuals (a form of royalty) when TV shows or films they participated in are rebroadcast. Like intellectual property royalties, these are reported on Schedule E unless they are part of a business, in which case they go on Schedule C. Artists and performers who regularly earn from their work may need to treat this income as business income. That said, they may deduct related expenses. 

Franchise Royalties 

Payments made by franchisees to franchisors for the right to operate a business under the franchisor’s brand and system. These royalties are often a percentage of the franchisee’s sales revenue. For example, a fast-food franchisee pays royalties to the parent company for using its brand name, recipes, and business model. Payments received by franchisors are generally reported as ordinary income. They are then included in Schedule C if part of an active business. This allows franchisors to deduct business-related expenses such as legal fees, marketing costs, and franchise support services. 

Withholding Tax on Royalties 

For non-residents earning U.S. royalties, a withholding tax of 30% typically applies, unless a tax treaty specifies a lower rate. The payer of the royalty must withhold this tax and remit it to the IRS. For example, if a foreign author receives royalties from a U.S. publisher, the publisher must withhold 30% of the payment for tax purposes unless a treaty reduces this rate. 

Deductions and Credits 

Taxpayers can often claim deductions and credits related to royalty income, including: 

  • Business Expenses: If royalties are part of a business, related expenses such as legal fees, marketing, and production costs may be deductible. For example, a musician can deduct the cost of producing an album if royalties from the album sales are treated as business income. 
  • Depletion Allowances: For resource royalties, taxpayers can deduct a percentage of the income to account for resource depletion. For example, the IRS allows 15% for oil and gas, but only 5% for sand or gravel. This recognizes the diminishing value of the resource and reduces taxable income. 
  • Foreign Tax Credit: U.S. taxpayers can claim a credit for foreign taxes paid on royalties to avoid double taxation. For example, if a U.S. resident pays tax on royalties earned abroad, they can credit these foreign taxes against their U.S. tax liability. 

Planning for Royalty Income 

Effective tax planning can help minimize the tax burden associated with royalties. Strategies include: 

  • Structuring Contracts: Careful structuring of royalty agreements can optimize tax treatment. For example, specifying the allocation of payments for different rights can influence the applicable tax rates. 
  • Utilizing Tax Treaties: Taking advantage of tax treaties to reduce withholding taxes on international royalties can significantly lower tax liabilities. This requires understanding and applying treaty provisions correctly. 
  • Deferring Income: Timing the receipt of royalty payments to manage taxable income effectively can help taxpayers stay within lower tax brackets and benefit from various tax credits and deductions. 

Tax Help for Those Who Receive Royalty Income 

Royalties can be a lucrative source of income, but they come with complex tax considerations. Understanding the tax implications and utilizing strategic planning can help maximize the benefits of royalty income. Consulting with a tax professional is often advisable. By staying informed and proactive, taxpayers can ensure they make the most of their royalty income while minimizing their tax burden. Optima Tax Relief has a team of dedicated and experienced tax professionals with proven track records of success.  

If You Need Tax Help, Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation 

What is Schedule A?

What is Schedule A?

Schedule A is a tax form used in the United States for itemizing deductions on individual tax returns. Taxpayers opt for this form to maximize their deductions beyond the standard deduction provided by the IRS. This can lead to significant tax savings, especially for those with substantial deductible expenses. This article will cover the essentials of Schedule A, including what it is, why it’s important, and how to use it effectively. 

What is Schedule A? 

Schedule A is a part of Form 1040, which individual taxpayers use to report their federal income tax. The primary purpose of Schedule A is to allow taxpayers to itemize their deductions rather than taking the standard deduction. Itemized deductions can include various expenses, such as medical expenses, mortgage interest, state and local taxes, charitable contributions, and more. 

Why Use Schedule A? 

Choosing to itemize deductions on Schedule A can be advantageous if the total of your itemized deductions exceeds the standard deduction amount for your filing status. The standard deduction amounts are adjusted annually for inflation and vary depending on whether you are single, married filing jointly, married filing separately, or head of household. For 2024, the standard deduction has been increased for all filers. Single individuals and married couples filing separately can deduct $14,600. Married couples filing jointly or qualifying surviving spouses can deduct $29,200. Heads of household can deduct $21,900. By itemizing, taxpayers can potentially reduce their taxable income more than they could with the standard deduction, resulting in lower tax liability. 

Components of Schedule A 

There are several deductions that may be listed on Schedule A. However, there are a handful of deductions that are more commonly used.  

Medical and Dental Expenses 

These expenses are deductible to the extent that they exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income (AGI). This includes payments for diagnosis, treatment, mitigation, and prevention of disease, as well as for transportation primarily for and essential to medical care. 

Taxes Paid 

State and local taxes, including income or sales taxes, and property taxes can be deducted, up to a $10,000 cap ($5,000 if married filing separately). 

Interest Paid 

Home mortgage interest, points paid on the purchase of a home, and investment interest are deductible under certain conditions. There are limits based on the amount of the loan and the purpose of the loan. For example, a married couple filing jointly can deduct mortgage interest paid on the first $750,000 of mortgage debt. Student loan interest is also deductible, up to $2,500. 

Charitable Contributions 

Contributions to qualified charitable organizations are deductible. There are specific rules regarding the types of donations (cash, property, or out-of-pocket expenses) and their respective limits. 

Casualty and Theft Losses 

Personal casualty and theft losses on personal property can be deducted at $100 for each casualty and 10% of your AGI reduction. However, if the loss is attributed to a federally declared disaster, you are not subject to the 10% rule. In addition, the $100 reduction is increased to $500 per casualty.

Other Itemized Deductions 

This category includes miscellaneous deductions such as gambling losses (to the extent of gambling winnings) and certain unreimbursed business expenses for reservists, performing artists, and fee-basis government officials. 

How to Fill Out Schedule A 

  1. Gather Your Documentation: Collect all necessary documentation for your deductible expenses, such as medical bills, mortgage statements, property tax bills, and receipts for charitable donations. 
  1. Complete Each Section: Fill out each relevant section of Schedule A with the total amounts of your deductible expenses. Ensure you follow the instructions carefully to avoid errors. 
  1. Calculate Totals and Compare: Add up all your itemized deductions and compare the total to the standard deduction for your filing status. If your itemized deductions are higher, you’ll benefit from using Schedule A. 
  1. Attach Schedule A to Form 1040: Once completed, attach Schedule A to your Form 1040 when you file your tax return. 

Considerations and Tips 

It’s crucial to note that tax returns with itemized deductions are looked at with more scrutiny by the IRS than those that take the standard deduction. That said, be sure to maintain thorough records of all deductible expenses throughout the year. This will make it easier to itemize deductions accurately and substantiate your claims if audited. Consulting a tax professional can be beneficial, especially if you have complex deductions or are unsure about the tax rules. Finally, tax laws can change frequently. Stay informed about any changes to deductible expenses or limits that may affect your tax situation. Just because it was more beneficial to itemize deductions on last year’s return doesn’t mean that will be the case on this year’s return, and vice versa.  

Tax Help for Those Who Use Schedule A 

Schedule A can be a powerful tool for reducing your taxable income and lowering your overall tax bill. By understanding its components and carefully itemizing your deductions, you can take full advantage of the tax benefits available to you. Always ensure you have accurate records and consider seeking professional advice to navigate the complexities of itemized deductions effectively. Optima Tax Relief has over a decade of experience helping taxpayers with tough tax situations. 

If You Need Tax Help, Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation 

Optima Tax Relief Wins Three Stevie Awards for Excellence in Customer Service

Optima Tax Relief Wins Three Stevie Awards for Excellence in Customer Service

Optima Tax Relief is proud to announce that it has been honored with three prestigious Stevie® Awards, showcasing its commitment to delivering exceptional customer service in the financial services sector. The awards include the Silver Award for Customer Service Department of the Year, the Bronze Award for Front-Line Customer Service Team of the Year, and the Silver Award for Best Use of Technology in Customer Service. This marks the fifth consecutive year that Optima Tax Relief has been recognized by the Stevie Awards for its outstanding achievements. 

The Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service are considered the world’s premier business awards, acknowledging the accomplishments of contact center, customer service, business development, and sales professionals worldwide. More than 2,300 nominations from organizations of all sizes and in virtually every industry, in 44 nations and territories, were considered in this year’s competition. Winners were determined by the average scores of more than 200 professionals worldwide on seven specialized judging committees.  

David King, Chief Executive Officer of Optima Tax Relief, expressed his pride in the team’s continued excellence, stating, “We are thrilled to add three additional Stevie awards to our trophy case, especially amongst the many iconic brands that participated in the Stevies this year. While earning these awards for five consecutive years is incredible, I stopped being surprised by our team’s achievements a long time ago. All credit goes to our fantastic front-line staff and leaders who are committed to setting the standard for what tax relief should be.” 

Chrissy Bui, Chief Customer Officer of Optima Tax Relief, also commented on the achievement. “Winning these awards, especially in categories that celebrate both our amazing front-line team and our innovative use of technology, truly highlights our dedication to making every customer interaction exceptional. Our team works hard to blend personalized service with the latest technology to not just meet but exceed our clients’ expectations. This recognition inspires us to keep redefining what exceptional customer service means in the financial services industry. ” 

Optima Tax Relief’s Silver Award for Customer Service Department of the Year highlights the overall excellence of Optima’s customer service operations. The Bronze Award for Front-Line Customer Service Team of the Year recognizes the company’s exceptional ability to deliver outstanding support directly to customers. The Silver Award for Best Use of Technology in Customer Service acknowledges the innovative solutions that have been implemented to streamline processes and enhance the customer experience. These accolades reflect Optima Tax Relief’s relentless pursuit of service excellence and its mission to help individuals and businesses navigate complex tax issues with confidence and ease. 

Details about the Stevie® Awards for Sales & Customer Service and the list of Stevie winners in all categories are available at

Read the Newswire Press Release here.