Today, Optima Tax Relief’s Lead Tax Attorney, Phil Hwang, discusses IRS enforcement, including the statute of limitations and how it might affect your credit report. Did you know the IRS has a certain amount of time to collect your tax debt before it expires? How long? Well, the simple answer is 10 years, but several […]
Ask Phil: How Do IRS Penalties and Interest Work?
Today, Optima Tax Relief’s Lead Tax Attorney, Phil Hwang, discusses penalties and interest, including the most common penalties and how interest rates are calculated. Failure to File Penalties Owing the IRS is much more than just owing a tax balance. The IRS also charges penalties and interest, the most common penalties being the Failure to […]
Ask Phil: How Do I Get a Tax Lien Removed?
Welcome to our Ask Phil series, where each week our lead Tax Attorney, Philip Hwang will be answering your questions about various tax topics such as IRS enforcement, liens and levies, tax scams, and more. With Phil’s extensive background as a tax attorney, you won’t want to miss this valuable information! Today, Phil discusses liens, including […]