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Today, Phil gives his top tips on how to avoid IRS levies and liens.  

Tip #1: Don’t Owe the IRS 

Avoiding owing the IRS begins with responsible financial management and proactive tax planning. First, maintain accurate records of all income and expenses throughout the year, ensuring you’re well-informed about your financial standing. Next, regularly review and adjust your tax withholding or estimated tax payments to align with your actual tax liability. Utilize tax-saving strategies such as contributing to retirement accounts or taking advantage of tax credits and deductions. Stay updated on tax law changes that may affect your situation. Consider consulting with a tax professional for personalized guidance.  

Tip #2: Open Your IRS Mail 

Opening IRS mail is crucial because it often contains important information regarding your tax obligations, potential refunds, or any issues that may require your attention. Ignoring IRS correspondence can lead to missed deadlines, penalties, or even legal consequences. By promptly opening and reviewing IRS mail, you can stay informed about any adjustments to your tax return, requests for additional information, or notifications about potential errors or discrepancies. Additionally, timely action can help you address any issues efficiently, potentially avoiding escalated problems or further complications.  

Tip #3: Pay Your Tax Balance ASAP 

Paying your tax balance as soon as possible is essential for several reasons. Timely payment helps you avoid accruing interest and penalties, which can significantly increase your overall tax liability. Paying your taxes on time demonstrates compliance with tax laws, which can help maintain your good standing with the IRS and potentially mitigate any future issues, like liens, levies, or audits.  

Join us next Friday as Phil will answer your questions about what to do if you can’t afford to do your taxes! 

If you need tax help, contact us today for a Free Consultation