What is the IRS Collection Statute of Limitations?
They say that death and taxes are the only two certainties in life. However, taxes are only collectible for so long. Did you know there is a statute of limitations for IRS collections? Here’s an overview of how the IRS statute of limitations works.
How to Avoid Tax Scams and SMishing
The IRS recently announced that there has been an increase in tax-related scams where taxpayers personal financial information could be at risk of being exposed or stolen. CEO David King and Lead Tax Attorney Philip Hwang provide helpful insight on what tax scams to be on the lookout for and how to avoid them in the future
An Overview of Estate & Inheritance Taxes
Sometimes after the death of a loved one, we are left to deal with grief, funeral planning, and an estate. In some cases, we inherit assets from a deceased loved one. Unfortunately, not much in this life comes for free, and even the things we inherit can cost us. In this article, we will take a closer look at estate and inheritance taxes, including who is affected by them and how they work.
What is Supplemental Income?
These days it is very common for individuals to have regular income, as well as supplemental income. While regular income earned through an employer typically has taxes withheld, some supplemental income does not. If you earn supplemental income, it’s important to learn how it is taxed and when. Here is a brief overview of supplemental income tax.