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Tax Guide for Independent Contractors

Tax Guide for Independent Contractors

Working as an independent contractor offers flexibility and autonomy, but it also brings unique tax responsibilities. Unlike traditional employees, independent contractors must handle their own tax obligations, which can be difficult without proper knowledge and preparation. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of tax considerations and strategies for independent contractors. 

Understanding Your Tax Status 

As an independent contractor, you are considered self-employed. This classification has several implications but there are two main important ones. The first is that you do not have taxes automatically withheld from your pay. This means that you receive your full earnings and must take responsibility for setting aside the appropriate amount for taxes. It’s crucial to understand that failing to do so can result in significant tax liabilities at the end of the year. 

In addition to income tax, independent contractors must pay self-employment tax, which covers Social Security and Medicare contributions. For 2024, the self-employment tax rate is 15.3%, with 12.4% allocated for Social Security and 2.9% for Medicare. This tax is calculated on net earnings from self-employment, and while it represents a significant financial obligation, it ensures that contractors contribute to their future Social Security and Medicare benefits. 

Quarterly Estimated Taxes 

Since taxes aren’t withheld from payments, independent contractors must make quarterly estimated tax payments to the IRS. Why? Because the IRS requires taxes to be paid while income is earned. These payments cover both income tax and self-employment tax. The IRS deadlines for these payments are typically: 

  • April 15 
  • June 15 
  • September 15 
  • January 15 (of the following year) 

To calculate your estimated quarterly taxes

  1. Estimate your annual income. Consider all sources of income expected throughout the year. This requires understanding of your business cycle and anticipated revenue. 
  1. Determine your expected tax liability using IRS Form 1040-ES. This form provides worksheets to help calculate the amount of tax owed based on projected income and expenses. 
  1. Divide this amount by four to determine your quarterly payment. It’s important to make these payments on time to avoid penalties and interest. 

Making regular estimated tax payments helps manage cash flow throughout the year and prevents a large tax bill at the end of the year. 


Independent contractors can take advantage of various deductions to lower their tax liability.  

Home Office Deduction 

If you use part of your home exclusively and regularly for business, you may be eligible for the home office deduction. This allows you to deduct expenses related to that portion of your home, such as rent, mortgage interest, utilities, and repairs. The simplified option allows a deduction of $5 per square foot of home office space, up to 300 square feet. 

Business Expenses 

Deduct costs directly related to your work. These can include supplies, equipment, travel expenses, marketing costs, and professional services. Keeping detailed records and receipts for these expenses is crucial for maximizing deductions and providing proof if audited. 

Health Insurance 

If you purchase health insurance independently, you may be able to deduct the premiums as an adjustment to income. This deduction is available even if you don’t itemize deductions, making health insurance more affordable. 

Retirement Contributions 

Contributions to retirement plans such as SEP IRAs, SIMPLE IRAs, and solo 401(k) plans can reduce your taxable income. These plans offer significant tax advantages, helping you save for retirement while lowering your current tax bill. 

Record Keeping 

Accurate and thorough record-keeping is essential for managing taxes effectively. Independent contractors should keep track of: 

  • Income: Document all payments received for work performed. This includes income from all clients and sources, ensuring that every dollar earned is accounted for. Proper documentation might involve maintaining a log of payments received, storing copies of checks or bank statements, and keeping electronic records of online payments. 
  • Expenses: Save receipts and maintain detailed records of all business-related expenses. These can often be deducted from your taxable income, reducing the overall tax burden. Expenses might include office supplies, professional services, advertising, travel, and equipment purchases. Using accounting software or a dedicated spreadsheet can help in organizing these records. 
  • Invoices and Contracts: Maintain copies of all invoices sent to clients and signed contracts. These documents serve as proof of work performed and agreed-upon terms, which can be critical in a tax audit. They also help ensure accurate income tracking and can resolve any payment disputes. 

Filing Your Tax Return 

When tax season arrives, independent contractors must file a few specific forms. You will file using Form 1040, the standard individual tax return form used by all taxpayers. But unlike employees, you will not use Form W-2 to help report wages. As an independent contractor, you should receive Form 1099-NEC, Nonemployee Compensation from each payer you completed work for. It’s very important to note that if you do not receive a 1099-NEC from a payer, you must still report all income earned. Additionally, if there is an error on a 1099-NEC that you received, you should contact the payer for a corrected form before filing.  

Once you have all your income documents, you’ll use Schedule C to report income and expenses from your business, determining your net profit or loss. This form is crucial for calculating taxable income and identifying allowable deductions. Then, you will use Schedule SE, which calculates self-employment tax based on net earnings from self-employment. This form ensures that you contribute the correct amount to Social Security and Medicare. Finally, you’ll submit your return by April 15, unless you file for an extension. Filing electronically can expedite the process and ensure accuracy. 

Hiring a Professional 

Tax laws are complex, and mistakes can be costly. Many independent contractors find it beneficial to hire a tax professional. An accountant or tax advisor can ensure accurate record-keeping, maximize deductions and credits, help with quarterly tax calculations and payments, and provide peace of mind during tax season: Knowing that a professional is handling your taxes can reduce stress and help you focus on your business. 

Tax Help for Independent Contractors 

Navigating taxes as an independent contractor requires diligence and proactive management. By understanding your tax responsibilities, keeping detailed records, making timely payments, and leveraging available deductions, you can minimize your tax burden and avoid potential pitfalls. Whether handling taxes independently or with professional help, staying informed and prepared is key to successful financial management as an independent contractor. Optima Tax Relief has over a decade of experience helping taxpayers with tough tax situations. 

If You Need Tax Help, Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation 

What is the Bad Debt Deduction?

What is the Bad Debt Deduction?

In the realm of business finance, debt is often seen as a double-edged sword. While it can provide necessary capital for growth and expansion, it also comes with the risk of non-payment, leading to bad debts. However, there is a silver lining for businesses facing bad debts in the form of the bad debt deduction. This article aims to shed light on what the bad debt deduction entails and how businesses can navigate this aspect of their financial landscape. 

What is the Bad Debt Deduction? 

The bad debt deduction is a tax deduction for businesses that allows them to deduct certain uncollectible debts from their taxable income. In simpler terms, if a business has provided goods or services on credit and cannot collect payment for them, they may be eligible to claim a deduction for the unpaid debt. 

Types of Bad Debts 

Not all unpaid debts qualify for the bad debt deduction. The IRS has specific criteria that must be met for a debt to be considered bad and eligible for deduction. Generally, there are two types of bad debts: 

Business Bad Debts 

These are debts arising from the sale of goods or services in ordinary business. To qualify as a business bad debt, the debt must be directly related to the taxpayer’s trade or business. For example, if a company sells products on credit to customers and some of those customers fail to pay, resulting in a loss for the company, those unpaid debts may be considered business bad debts. Sole proprietors can deduct business bad debts on Schedule C, Profit or Loss from Business. Partnerships would use Form 1065, U.S. Return of Partnership Income. S Corps would use Form 1120-S, U.S. Income Tax Return for an S Corporation while C Corps would use Form 1120, U.S. Corporation Income Tax Return. This deduction can be in full or just partially. 

Non-Business Bad Debts 

These are debts that are not related to the taxpayer’s trade or business. Examples of non-business bad debts include personal loans made by individuals or investments in non-business ventures. While non-business bad debts may also be deductible, they are subject to different rules and limitations than business bad debts. If you can deduct a non-business bad debt, it must be in full. You can deduct non-business bad debts on Form 8949, Sales and Other Dispositions of Capital Assets.  

Non-business debts only qualify for capital loss treatment. This means you can deduct up to $3,000 of ordinary income per year. However, you can carry forward the debt into future years. It could take years to deduct the full non-business bad debt, but it is possible. 

Requirements for Deductibility 

To claim a deduction for bad debts, businesses must meet certain requirements set forth by the IRS. Some key requirements include: 

  • The amount must have been included in your income. To claim a deduction for a bad debt, the amount of the debt must have previously been included in the taxpayer’s gross income.  
  • The debt must be bona fide. This means that the debt must be a legitimate obligation owed to the taxpayer. It cannot be a gift or contribution to a charity, for example. 
  • There must be an intention to collect. The taxpayer must have made reasonable efforts to collect the debt before it can be considered uncollectible. This typically involves sending invoices, reminders, and making collection calls. 
  • The debt must be deemed worthless. The taxpayer must be able to demonstrate that the debt has become worthless and is unlikely to be collected in the future.  

Limitations and Considerations 

While the bad debt deduction can provide relief for businesses facing losses due to unpaid debts, there are certain limitations and considerations to keep in mind: 

  • Timing of deduction: The deduction for bad debts can only be claimed in the year in which the debt becomes worthless. Businesses cannot simply write off unpaid debts at their discretion. They must be able to demonstrate that the debt has become uncollectible during the tax year for which the deduction is claimed. 
  • Documentation requirements: Proper documentation is essential when claiming a deduction for bad debts. Businesses should maintain records of invoices, collection efforts, and any other relevant correspondence to support their claim in case of an IRS audit. 
  • Recovery of bad debts: If a business can recover all or part of a previously deducted bad debt in a subsequent year, the recovered amount must be included as income in the recovery year. This ensures that businesses do not receive a double tax benefit for the same debt. 

Tax Help for Businesses  

The bad debt deduction can be a valuable tool for businesses facing losses due to unpaid debts. By understanding the requirements and limitations associated with this deduction, businesses can effectively navigate the complexities of bad debt management and mitigate the impact of non-payment on their bottom line. Proper documentation and compliance with IRS regulations are key to maximizing the benefits of the bad debt deduction while avoiding potential pitfalls. Optima Tax Relief is the nation’s leading tax resolution firm with over $1 billion in resolved tax liabilities.  

If You Need Tax Help, Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation 

How Does Self-Employment Tax Work? 

how does self-employment tax work

Self-employment can be a rewarding path, providing individuals with the autonomy to pursue their passions and build their own businesses. However, one aspect of self-employment that often catches people off guard is the self-employment tax. Unlike traditional employees who have taxes withheld from their paychecks, self-employed individuals must navigate a complex landscape of tax obligations. In this article, we will explore what self-employment tax is, how it is calculated, and essential tips for managing this financial responsibility. 

What is Self-Employment Tax? 

Self-employment tax is a contribution to Social Security and Medicare for individuals who work for themselves. While employees typically have these taxes withheld from their paychecks, self-employed individuals are responsible for both the employer and employee portions. This means that self-employed individuals must cover 15.3% of their net earnings for these two programs. In other words, 15.3% of your business profit is taxed to cover self-employment taxes.  

Breaking Down the Components 

  • Social Security: In 2023, the Social Security portion of the self-employment tax is 12.4%, with the first $160,200 of net income subject to this tax. Earnings beyond this threshold are not subject to the Social Security portion of the self-employment tax. In 2024, the threshold is capped at $168,600.  
  • Medicare: The Medicare portion is 2.9% of net earnings. Unlike Social Security, there is no income cap for Medicare tax. In other words, all net earnings are subject to the 2.9% tax. 
  • Additional Medicare Tax: For higher-income individuals, an additional 0.9% Medicare tax may apply to earnings exceeding $200,000 for single filers, heads of household, or qualifying surviving spouses with dependent children. For married couples filing jointly, this amount increases to $250,000. If you are married filing separately, you’ll pay the additional Medicare tax on earnings that exceed $125,000. 

Calculating Self-Employment Tax 

To calculate self-employment tax, you’ll first need to determine your net earnings with Schedule SE, Self-Employment Tax. This is your total income from self-employment minus allowable business expenses. Once you have your net earnings, multiply that amount by 15.3% to find the total self-employment tax due. While you will owe 15.3% of your net earnings for self-employment tax, you can deduct the “employer-equivalent portion” on your income tax return.  

For example, if you find that you owe $3,000 in self-employment tax, you will be required to pay the full amount during the year. When you file your annual tax return, you can deduct $1,500 on your 1040. Be sure to also look into other tax deductions for small businesses to minimize your tax liability.  

Managing Self-Employment Tax 

Having your own business puts you on the hook for making sure you’re staying up to date with your financial and tax obligations. Beside managing the operations side of your business, you’ll have several items to keep in mind for self-employment tax. 

  1. Quarterly Estimated Tax Payments: Since self-employed individuals don’t have taxes withheld from their income throughout the year, it’s crucial to make quarterly estimated tax payments to the IRS. Failure to do so may result in penalties. 
  1. Keep Accurate Records: Maintain detailed records of your business income and expenses. This not only helps you accurately calculate your self-employment tax but also ensures you can take advantage of all eligible deductions. 
  1. Explore Deductions: Self-employed individuals can deduct certain business expenses from their income, reducing their taxable net earnings. Common deductions include home office expenses, business-related travel, and health insurance premiums. 

Given the complexity of self-employment tax rules, it’s advisable to consult a tax professional. They can help you navigate the intricacies of tax laws, identify eligible deductions, and ensure compliance. 


Self-employment tax is an essential consideration for individuals working independently. Understanding its components, calculating the tax accurately, and managing financial responsibilities through proper record-keeping and strategic planning are key to a successful self-employed journey. By staying informed and seeking professional advice when needed, individuals can confidently navigate the maze of self-employment tax and focus on building a thriving business. Optima Tax Relief is the nation’s leading tax resolution firm with over a decade of experience helping taxpayers with tough tax situations. 

If You Need Tax Help, Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation 

Tax Deductions for Small Businesses

Tax Deductions for Small Businesses

Small businesses are the backbone of any economy, and entrepreneurs often face numerous challenges in managing their finances. One area where small business owners can find relief is through strategic tax planning and taking advantage of available tax deductions. In this article, we will define tax deductions and explore various tax deductions that can help small businesses save money and thrive in a competitive market. 

What are Tax Deductions? 

Tax deductions are expenses that individuals or businesses can subtract from their taxable income to reduce the amount of income subject to taxation. Deductions lower your overall taxable income, which can result in a lower tax liability. In general, you can deduct business expenses that are considered both ordinary and necessary. Ordinary means that it is a common expense widely accepted in your industry or trade. Necessary means that it is appropriate for your business.  

Vehicle Expenses 

For small businesses that rely on vehicles for daily operations, there are tax deductions available for vehicle-related expenses. This includes deductions for business mileage, fuel costs, maintenance and repairs, insurance, and even depreciation on the vehicle. Business owners can choose between using two methods. The simpler involves deducting the standard mileage rate of 67 cents per mile. Alternatively, you could calculate the actual expenses incurred, then calculate the percentage of business use of the vehicle to find out how much of those expenses qualify for a deduction. Keeping detailed records of business-related vehicle usage is essential to accurately claim these deductions. Additionally, if the business owns the vehicle, depreciation over its useful life can be deducted as a business expense. 

Depreciation of Business Assets 

When a small business purchases assets like equipment, machinery, or vehicles, they can benefit from depreciation deductions. This allows businesses to recover the cost of these assets over time, providing a gradual tax benefit for capital investments. In order to use depreciation, the asset must be used in your business or product income. It must be expected to last more than a year and it must be something that becomes worn over time. However, it does exclude property bought and disposed of in the same year, inventory, land, and repair and maintenance expenses that don’t increase the value of your asset. 

Section 179 Deduction 

Section 179 of the Internal Revenue Code allows small businesses to deduct the full purchase price of qualifying equipment and software in the year it is placed in service, rather than depreciating it over several years. This deduction is particularly valuable for businesses looking to invest in essential equipment. For assets placed in service in 2024, the maximum Section 179 deduction you can take is $1.22 million. Eligible equipment ranges from computers to machinery to livestock to some vehicles.  

Bonus Depreciation 

Bonus depreciation is an additional incentive for small businesses to recover the cost of qualifying assets faster. This provision allows businesses to deduct a higher percentage of the cost of eligible property in the year it is placed in service. Bonus depreciation is particularly advantageous for businesses that make significant capital investments, as it accelerates the depreciation deduction. Under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, bonus depreciation has been expanded. It now includes both new and used qualified property. However, the percentage you can claim is reducing each year until it reaches 0% in 2027. For the 2024 tax year, you can deduct 60%. This presents an excellent opportunity for small businesses to offset income with substantial deductions, promoting investment and growth. 

Home Office Deduction 

Many small business owners operate their enterprises from home. The home office deduction allows eligible businesses to deduct a portion of their home-related expenses, such as mortgage interest, property taxes, utilities, and rent. Alternatively, you can deduct $5 per square foot of exclusive business use of your home, for a maximum of 300 square feet or $1,500. To qualify, the home office must be used exclusively for business purposes. For instance, your “office” cannot also be your dining room where you also eat dinner every night. 

Insurance Premiums 

Small businesses often incur expenses related to insurance coverage, and many of these premiums are deductible as business expenses. Including insurance premiums in your tax planning can contribute to significant savings. Some key types of insurance premiums that may be eligible for deductions include liability insurance, health insurance, business vehicle insurance.  

Startup Expenses 

Launching a new business involves various initial costs, known as startup expenses. You can deduct up to $5,000 in startup expenses incurred in the most recent tax year. These costs typically include legal fees, adverting, travel, and training. 


Small businesses are subject to various taxes, and understanding which taxes are deductible can significantly impact their overall tax liability. Business owners can deduct business property taxes, real estate taxes, and sales and excise taxes.  

Legal and Professional Fees 

Small businesses often require legal and professional services to navigate complex regulations, contracts, and various business matters. The good news is that the expenses incurred for these services are generally deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses. 

Qualified Business Income Deduction (QBI) 

The QBI deduction, introduced by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, allows eligible small businesses to deduct up to 20% of their qualified business income. This deduction is subject to certain limitations but can be a valuable tax-saving strategy for many small businesses. 

Rent Expenses 

For small businesses that operate from leased premises, rent expenses are a significant aspect of their financial obligations. Fortunately, rent payments are generally deductible as ordinary and necessary business expenses. This deduction applies to various types of business properties, including office spaces, retail locations, and manufacturing facilities. 

Phone and Internet Expenses 

In the digital age, phone and internet services are essential for small businesses to stay connected, communicate with clients, and conduct daily operations. Deducting expenses related to phone and internet services can help businesses manage their costs effectively. If you use your phone or internet for personal use also, be sure to only deduct the business-use percentage. 

Meals and Travel 

Small businesses often engage in activities that involve meals and travel, and these expenses are generally deductible as long as they are business-related. Examples can include attending a weekend conference or meeting a client for lunch and paying the bill. Limitations apply and proper documentation and adherence to tax regulations are essential for claiming these deductions. 

Employee Compensation 

Small businesses can benefit from tax deductions related to employee compensation, including salaries, wages, and bonuses. It also includes payroll taxes and fringe benefits, like health insurance, sick pay, and vacation pay. Employee compensation refers to money paid to both W-2 employees and independent contractors who receive Form 1099-NEC. It’s crucial for business owners to understand and leverage these deductions to attract and retain talented employees while optimizing their tax position. 

Office Supplies 

Small businesses often overlook the deduction potential of everyday office supplies, but these expenses can add up over the course of the year. Deducting the cost of office supplies, including paper, printers, computers, and others, can help businesses manage their budget effectively. 

Tax Help for Small Businesses 

Navigating the complexities of tax deductions can be challenging for small business owners, but understanding and leveraging available deductions can lead to substantial savings. It’s crucial for entrepreneurs to stay informed about changes in tax laws, consult with tax professionals, and maintain accurate records to ensure they maximize their tax deductions while remaining compliant with regulations. By strategically utilizing these deductions, small businesses can not only reduce their tax burden but also reinvest those savings into the growth and success of their enterprises. Optima Tax Relief is the nation’s leading tax resolution firm with over a decade of experience helping taxpayers with tough tax situations. 

If You Need Tax Help, Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation 

Tax Guide for the Self-Employed

tax planning for the self-employed

Being your own boss can feel freeing and powerful. However, with great power comes great responsibility, especially when it comes to taxes. Taking care of all business aspects on your own means you should be prepared to handle all the financial work that comes with the new adventure. Here’s a brief tax guide for the self-employed

Get Financially Organized 

There’s nothing worse than scrambling for income and expenses during tax time. Staying organized throughout the year can save you time and money. You’ll want to maintain accurate records including: 

  • Income statements with invoices, receipts, Forms 1099, etc. 
  • Purchase invoices 
  • Receipts for travel, transportation, entertainment, and gifts that are business-related 
  • A breakdown of your assets, including purchase price, cost of improvements, depreciation deductions, etc.  
  • Employment tax records 

Know Your Responsibilities 

You are already responsible for the success of your business. However, you also need to know your financial responsibilities to maintain your business. This includes paying self-employment taxes and quarterly estimated tax payments. If you earned $400 or more in 2022, you need to pay self-employment taxes. The current rate for self-employment tax is 15.3% of your net earnings, which consists of social security and Medicare tax. The good news is that since in a typical job, the employer is responsible for paying half of this tax, you’ll be able to deduct 50% of your self-employment tax during tax time.  

Unfortunately, you won’t have an employer to withhold tax from your self-employed income. That said, you’ll need to make estimated tax payments by each quarterly deadline: 

  • April 18, 2023 
  • June 15, 2023 
  • September 15, 2023 
  • January 16, 2024 

You should make estimated tax payments if you expect to owe more than $1,000 in federal taxes for the year. If you do not make these payments, you could face underpayment penalties

Take Advantage of Tax Deductions 

As a business owner, you have the benefit of writing off expenses that most employees cannot, as long as they are ordinary and necessary for business operations. You can write off advertising costs, supplies, legal fees, repairs, vehicle expenses, business travel and entertainment, and even more if you operate your business from home. If you aren’t eligible to participate in your spouse’s workplace health plan, you can typically pay for your own health insurance and deduct your premiums.

Those who have a business loan or business insurance can also deduct the loan interest and insurance premiums. If you only take advantage of one deduction as a business owner, you should consider the one for self-employed retirement plan contributions to an SEP-IRA, SIMPLE IRA, or 401(k). These accounts can reduce your tax bill at tax time and help you accrue tax-deferred investments gains in the future. Be sure to look into all tax deductions available so your taxable income is reduced.  

Tax Help for the Self-Employed 

Running a business, whether small or large, has immense opportunities for financial success. However, all of that hard work and prosperity can be taken away if you do not file your taxes correctly. In the worst-case scenario, owing the IRS taxes and not being able to pay can result in a tax lien, which can shut down your business. If this is your first year as a business owner, start off right by knowing your tax responsibilities. If you’ve had your business a while but need tax help now, we can help. Optima Tax Relief is the nation’s leading tax resolution firm with over a decade of experience helping taxpayers with tough tax situations.  

If You Need Tax Help, Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation 

How to Expense Business Repairs

how to expense business repairs

Certain business owners, including sole proprietors, businesses and rental property owners, can deduct expenses related to maintenance and repairs. The deductions must apply to their property and equipment or vehicles. However, once the repair becomes classified as a betterment, restoration, or adaptation to the property or asset, other rules will apply. Here’s a quick overview of how to expense business repairs.

Routine Repairs & Maintenance 

According to the IRS, routine maintenance to a property or business helps increase the value and prolongs its usefulness. Because routine maintenance keeps the property or asset in normal working order, these expenses can be deducted in full during tax time. For example, repairing a leak in the roof of your rental property would be considered a fully deductible repair, while renovating the kitchen would be considered a capital improvement, which has other tax implications. 


Capitalization, on the other hand, is considered to be a betterment, restoration, or adaptation to the property. In this case, you must capitalize and depreciate the expense over several years. Betterments are repairs that improve a property or business asset. This can include expanding a property or fixing a defect that existed before you purchased the property. Restorations are repairs that restore an asset to its normal condition, like replacing a roof. Adaptations are repairs that change how the property or asset is used. For example, converting a garage into additional office space would be considered an adaptation and would need to be capitalized. Generally, when depreciating these expenses, it is done over a 27.5-year period. 

Home Offices 

For smaller business owners or remote workers, there are home office deductions you can take advantage of during tax time. The IRS divides home office expenses into a couple categories: direct and indirect expenses. Direct expenses benefit your home office only while indirect expenses benefit both your office and your home as a whole. The rules of repairs and improvements also apply to home office expenses. Repairs are entirely deductible while improvements must be depreciated. You can determine if the expense needs to be depreciated if it fits the standards of being a betterment, restoration, or adaptation.  

Tax Relief for Business Owners 

The rules for expensing business repairs and improvements can become tricky. The most basic rule to remember is to deduct the expense when it is a repair that doesn’t qualify as an improvement to your property or business asset. You must capitalize and depreciate expenses that are considered a betterment, restoration or adaptation to your property or business asset. There are some exceptions to these guidelines, referred to as “safe harbors.” You should always check with a knowledgeable tax professional to ensure you remain compliant when capitalizing and depreciating expenses. Optima Tax Relief is the nation’s leading tax resolution firm with over $1 billion in resolved tax liabilities.  

If You Need Tax Help, Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation