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Tax Planning

What is the Single’s Tax?

Living alone can be liberating, offering independence and autonomy. However, it often comes with a financial burden dubbed the “singles tax.” This term refers to the additional costs incurred by individuals who choose to live independently, without the financial support or cost-sharing benefits that come with living with a partner or family. Here we’ll break […]

Tax Tips for Rideshare Drivers

The gig economy has revolutionized the way people work, providing flexibility and autonomy like never before. Ridesharing platforms like Uber, Lyft, and others have become a popular choice for those seeking extra income or a full-time job. However, amidst the freedom and flexibility, rideshare drivers often encounter challenges when it comes to understanding and managing […]

Tax Checklist for Moving States

Moving to a new state is often an exciting adventure, but amidst the hustle and bustle of relocation, it’s easy to overlook important details, such as how the move will impact your taxes. State tax laws vary widely, and failing to understand and plan for these differences can result in unexpected financial consequences. To help […]

Are Child Support Payments Taxable?

Child support payments serve as a critical lifeline for families post-divorce or separation, ensuring that children’s needs are met. Amidst the complexities of family law and taxation, one common question arises: Are child support payments taxable? In this article, we’ll answer this question, providing clarity on the tax treatment of child support payments and offering […]

Can I Deduct Car Registration Fees?

Owning a car often comes with a lot of expenses, from gas and maintenance to insurance and registration fees. While some of these costs are clearly deductible on your taxes, such as business-related mileage or certain maintenance expenses, the question of whether you can deduct car registration fees is a bit more complex. Here’s a […]

What is Unearned Income?

In the world of taxation, income is broadly categorized into two main types: earned and unearned income. Earned income is derived from active participation in a trade or business. Conversely, unearned income encompasses various sources that don’t require direct effort or labor. This article explores the concept of unearned income, its sources, and how it […]