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Optima Newsletter – July 2023

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Am I Responsible for My Spouse’s Back Taxes?

Marriage is viewed as a union of two individuals, joining both their lives and responsibilities. As financial obligations and responsibilities intertwine, questions arise about whether one spouse is accountable for the other’s past tax liabilities. In this article, we will delve into the concept of spousal responsibility for back taxes, exploring the factors that determine liability and the potential consequences for both parties involved. 

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Optima’s Visit with The IRS – 5,000 New Agents, Strategic Operating Plan, & more.

Optima CEO David King and Lead Tax Attorney Philip Hwang are back from their trip to Washington D.C., where they met with members of Congress and the IRS’s new leadership to discuss what’s new in the tax world. Here is Phil and David’s recap of that meeting, including the IRS’s Strategic Operating Plan, 5,000 new customer service agents, the changes the agency’s new commissioner has already implemented and what you as a taxpayer can expect moving forward.

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When Does the IRS Pursue Criminal Charges?

Tax evasion and tax fraud are federal crimes that involve the willful attempt to either evade the assessment or the payment of taxes. But at what point does the IRS pursue criminal charges for these actions? What consequences are included in the criminal charges? How does one prevent these charges from being brought upon them? Here’s what you need to know about how and when the IRS pursues criminal charges against a taxpayer. 

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Can I Buy a House if I Owe Back Taxes?

Buying a house is an exciting milestone in life, representing stability, investment, and the fulfillment of a dream. However, for individuals who owe back taxes, the path to homeownership can seem uncertain. It’s essential to understand the implications and challenges associated with buying a house while having outstanding tax debt. In this article, we will explore the factors to consider and strategies to help you navigate this unique situation.

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Optima Newsletter – June 2023

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Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and Taxes

Bankruptcy is an exhausting process that individuals and corporations may have to go through when they are overburdened by financial obligations. While it provides the opportunity for a fresh start, it is critical to be mindful of the tax implications. In this blog article, we will discuss the tax implications of bankruptcy, assisting you in understanding the potential penalties and providing guidance to help you navigate this complex scenario. 

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Are You At Risk of IRS Audits and Collections?

The Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 has equipped the IRS with more than $80 billion in funding. That means more audits and more enforcement. CEO David King and Lead Tax Attorney Philip Hwang provide helpful tips on what you can expect from the IRS moving forward and how you can resolve your tax burden.

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What Medical Expenses Are Tax Deductible?

While medical bills can be a significant hardship for many individuals and families, it is critical to understand that certain medical expenses are tax deductible. Understanding the eligibility criteria and documentation requirements will help you in optimizing your deductions and possibly lowering your tax payment. In this post, we will look at medical expenses that are tax deductible.

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Understanding Tax Withholding

Withholding too little tax from your paychecks can result in a tax bill during tax time, while withholding too much tax can result in smaller paychecks than necessary. That being said, understanding tax withholding is crucial because it directly affects your income, tax liability, and financial planning. Here is a breakdown of tax withholding. 

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Optima Newsletter – May 2023

What Happens If You Don’t File Your Taxes?

The April 18th tax deadline passed, and you did not file your tax return. Now what? First, don’t panic. Not everyone needs to file a tax return. Typically, if you earn less than the standard deduction associated with your filing status, you do not need to file a return. On the other hand, if you did not file a tax return even though you were required to, you might have an issue. Here’s what happens if you don’t file your taxes. 

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3 Things to Watch Out for After the Tax Deadline

Owing taxes is more expensive than ever before. Filing an accurate return on time is the best way to avoid penalties, interest, and IRS collections. CEO David King and Lead Tax Attorney Philip Hwang list three things to watch out for after the tax deadline.

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How to Report Foreign Income

The United States is currently one of the only countries in the world that taxes based on citizenship, and not residency. However, there are some exclusions and foreign tax credits that can reduce your tax liability. Needless to say, reporting foreign income can be tricky. Here’s an overview of how to report foreign income at tax time. 

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Top Risks of Owing the IRS

If you have an unpaid tax bill, you know the stress that comes with owing the IRS. The IRS is a powerful agency with the ability to collect what is owed to them using severe methods, like garnishing your wages or levying your bank accounts. With a 10-year statute of limitations, the agency has plenty of time to forcefully collect tax debts. Here are some of the top risks of owing the IRS.  

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Optima Newsletter – April 2023

What is the IRS Collection Statute of Limitations?

They say that death and taxes are the only two certainties in life. However, taxes are only collectible for so long. Did you know there is a statute of limitations for IRS collections? Here’s an overview of how the IRS statute of limitations works. 

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How to Avoid Tax Scams and SMishing

The IRS recently announced that there has been an increase in tax-related scams where taxpayers personal financial information could be at risk of being exposed or stolen. CEO David King and Lead Tax Attorney Philip Hwang provide helpful insight on what tax scams to be on the lookout for and how to avoid them in the future

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An Overview of Estate & Inheritance Taxes

Sometimes after the death of a loved one, we are left to deal with grief, funeral planning, and an estate. In some cases, we inherit assets from a deceased loved one. Unfortunately, not much in this life comes for free, and even the things we inherit can cost us. In this article, we will take a closer look at estate and inheritance taxes, including who is affected by them and how they work. 

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What is Supplemental Income?

These days it is very common for individuals to have regular income, as well as supplemental income. While regular income earned through an employer typically has taxes withheld, some supplemental income does not. If you earn supplemental income, it’s important to learn how it is taxed and when. Here is a brief overview of supplemental income tax. 

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Optima Newsletter – March 2023

Tax Planning for the Self-Employed

Being your own boss can feel freeing and powerful, but with great power comes great responsibility, especially when it comes to taxes. Taking care of all business aspects on your own means you should be prepared to handle all the financial work that comes with the new adventure. Here’s a brief tax guide for the self-employed. 

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Does the IRS Use Private Collection Agencies (PCAs)?

Now that IRS enforcement is picking back up, some taxpayers are seeing that the IRS has placed their overdue tax account with a private collection agency (PCA). CEO David King and Lead Tax Attorney Philip Hwang provide helpful tips on what collection agencies you can trust, how PCAs will notify you of your tax balance and what you can do to resolve your tax burden.

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Life Transitions That Affect Your Taxes: Part II

For the most part, our tax situation remains consistent year after year. However, every now and then there are certain life transitions that can dramatically change how you file your taxes, even if just for that year. Here, we will continue to review some of the most common life transitions that can affect your taxes. 

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How Unemployment Affects Your Taxes

If you spent time unemployed last year, you might be wondering how that’ll affect your tax return this year, especially if it was your first time ever being without work. When it comes to unemployment and taxes, you might have some questions. Here’s a breakdown of how unemployment affects your taxes. 

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Optima Newsletter – February 2023

Tax Credits vs. Tax Deductions

Tax season is officially here. As you prepare to file your tax return, it might be helpful to research ways to decrease your tax liability. A popular way to do this is to claim tax credits and tax deductions. Credits and deductions often seem like the same thing, but they are different. Here’s a comparison of the two.

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Divorce Can Impact Your Tax Liability – Who is Responsible?

Filing taxes after a divorce can be complicated, especially when sorting out the tax liability that the parties are legally responsible for. CEO David King and Lead Tax Attorney Philip Hwang discuss how married couples should file their taxes, as well as how they can end up with a tax balance after a divorce – and what they can do about it.

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Dependents & Your Taxes

Claiming a dependent on your tax return can help save a lot of money each year. Some taxpayers may be unsure about who qualifies as a dependent, especially since a living situation can change year to year. Here’s all you need to know about dependents and your taxes. 

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A Newlywed’s Guide to Taxes

If you recently got married, you might have spent a lot of time planning a ceremony, reception, or honeymoon. As a newlywed, have you considered how your new life change will affect your taxes this year? Here are some things you should keep in mind when filing your taxes. 

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