How Long Can the IRS Audit My Taxes?
The worst thing that can happen for most taxpayers is being told by the IRS that they are being audited. What most people don’t realize is that there is a timeframe for how long the IRS can audit an individual. This timeframe is known as the audit statute of limitations. Taxpayers have a right to dispute an IRS audit if they have proper substantiation. Discover how long the IRS has to audit taxes and what factors may affect this timeline.
Dealing With an IRS Revenue Officer
Owing a tax liability means that individuals are at a higher risk of falling into collections with the IRS. Optima CEO David King and Lead Tax Attorney Philip Hwang explain the risks taxpayers face when handling a tax liability on their own, as well as the benefits of hiring a tax professional to help you when dealing with a revenue officer.
2024 IRS Tax Brackets and Standard Deductions
As we usher in the new year, it’s that time again when individuals and businesses eagerly await the release of the IRS tax brackets and standard deductions for the upcoming tax year. These figures play a pivotal role in determining the amount of tax liability for taxpayers across the nation. Let’s take a closer look at what has been announced for the 2024 IRS tax brackets and standard deductions.
IRS Announces Another Delay in Form 1099-K Reporting
The IRS has recently announced a delay in the implementation of changes to the reporting threshold for Form 1099-K. Form 1099-K is used to report third-party platform payments. Originally scheduled for 2023, the IRS has decided to postpone the implementation of greater reporting thresholds. However, they’ve cited the need for additional time to address concerns and provide a smoother transition for affected parties. Learn the new reporting thresholds amounts and when they will be implemented.